Bridging the Communication Gap: Improving Black Maternal Health Outcomes

Edith Institute is committed to addressing the critical issue of communication breakdowns between healthcare providers and Black mothers. Our groundbreaking project aims to improve maternal health outcomes by enhancing communication and reducing disparities.

Meet Our Experts

Edith Institute is proud to have a distinguished Scientific Advisory Board, comprised of experts in maternal health, psychology, and education.

  • Dr. Molly Carey: A practicing OBGYN physician and Assistant Professor at UC Health, Dr. Carey brings expertise in centering women's experiences in medical care.

  • Dr. Calisha Brooks: A clinical psychologist and champion for Black Mental Health, Dr. Brooks has conducted extensive research on race-based stress and trauma.

  • Dr. Na Lor: An assistant professor of sociology and education, Dr. Lor specializes in mixed methods research.

Our Approach

Through in-depth interviews with Black mothers, we are gathering invaluable insights into the nuances of communication failures in healthcare settings. By identifying specific moments where trust can be established or eroded, we are developing targeted strategies to improve communication and enhance maternal health outcomes.

The Role of Our Scientific Advisory Board

Our Scientific Advisory Board plays a crucial role in guiding our research and ensuring that our training materials are rooted in the latest evidence-based practices. Their expertise helps us to:

  • Identify key areas for improvement: The board helps us identify areas where communication breakdowns are most likely to occur.

  • Develop targeted strategies: We use the insights from our research to develop specific strategies for improving communication.

  • Ensure the quality of our training: The board helps us to ensure that our training materials are relevant, effective, and aligned with the latest research.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Your support is essential to help us continue this important work. By donating to Edith Institute, you are:

  • Funding vital research: Your contribution will help us gather more data and develop evidence-based strategies.

  • Empowering Black mothers: Your support enables us to provide training and resources to healthcare providers, empowering them to deliver culturally competent care.

  • Creating a lasting impact: Your donation helps us build a more equitable and just healthcare system for Black women.

At Edith Institute, we believe that every woman deserves a safe and empowering pregnancy journey. By addressing communication breakdowns between healthcare providers and Black mothers, we can significantly improve maternal health outcomes. With the guidance of our esteemed Scientific Advisory Board and the support of our dedicated community, we are confident in our ability to make a lasting impact.

Join us in creating a future where Black mothers receive the culturally competent care they deserve. Donate, share our message, and stand with us as we advocate for a more equitable healthcare system for all.


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